Minds Matter

Art Matters

Music Matters

I deeply appreciate & accept myself.
I love myself unconditionally.
I deserve the very best life has to offer.
I am confident & self-assured.
I am proud of my successes & failures.
I am a good person.

Minds Matter

All Minds Matter



As an open format DJ/turntablist, he captures the magic of each dancer, sound, and technique by connecting the dots with a personal multidimensional sound. As an open format DJ/turntablist, he captures the magic of each dancer, sound, and technique by connecting the dots with a personal multidimensional sound.As an open format DJ/turntablist, he captures the...

Self-Growth, Self-Esteem, & Self-Confidence

The Law of Attraction is about momentum and the Law of Attraction says, “that which is like itself is drawn”... Therefore, if where “I am" IS “what is becoming more," it's important to be in a place where “what is becoming more” IS “what I want to become”...
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© KineticParallax 2024