Trial by Fire

Picture of Miss Massie

Miss Massie

Believer in the infinite possibilities of viewing something or someone through the concept of KineticParallax.

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[Omniscient, High Wire]

I live life in trial by fire — always hanging tight off the end of the wire.. 
Always gaining rights to the sights of all I admire — I’ve got the eyes of a tiger — I conspire to acquire all my desires and unlike prior, they never expire — I’ll never cease fire and I’ll never retire.. 

I require amplifiers in reference to all I do.. 
I’m an advisor that couldn’t be wiser to climb higher to all I aspire to.. 
Call me a liar, I’ll fire you within just a minute or two.. 
No one will ever again apprehend a desire to hire you and that’s the truth.. 
Upon further review, you’ll deduce I’m astute in the moods I allude.. 

I’m so well-to-do, I’ve got ground crews, suppliers, and snipers to decipher all ciphers..
Déjà vu sticks to me like crazy glue when I pursue breakthroughs out of the blue that accrue ingenious revenues..
I’m elusive through and through, as I brew brand new world views, when I rendezvous down Park Avenue, with you on a bicycle-built-for-two..

Oh honey, don’t misconstrue all the queues I give to you, when I begin to win you too, by how I spend money without a second thought — I spend all I got and that’s a lot..
I give it my best shot, when I spend every last penny I’ve brought on the spot, to buy up every last drop of entire wholesale shops..
It’s like life’s best lessons left impressions that taught I ought to of won the jackpot..
Yet like it or not, financial knots I’ve never once fought, so I’ve never once been caught as someone distraught..

Go ahead and shake off every last drop, when you shape up to top off your best round of applause..
Cause worth it or not, I’ve given it my best shot to be on permanent vacation — it’s all part of the equation, and if I’m not mistaken, when I’m free to be me, is when I believe to achieve and retrieve all I need..
It’s when I never feel weak and I reach all the peaks with my skills and techniques..
I could go on and on for several weeks with the ways that I speak..

I never bleed when I heed to raise praise straight off my knees — to be heard by my word and fly high like a bird..
It’s not absurd that it’s just my luck I say “f*ck it” to what “just is”, cause what just is doesn’t mean there’s always justice amongst us..
So it’s a must I lust to just re-adjust before I self-destruct — I now simply trust I’m just a wanderlust..

As once discussed, I live life in trial by fire — always hanging tight off the end of the wire..
Always gaining rights to the sights of all I admire — I’ve got the eyes of a tiger — I conspire to acquire all my desires and unlike prior, they never expire — I’ll never cease fire and I’ll never retire..


drops 🎤✌🏽 


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